Tuesday, May 10, 2005

AutoOpenURL resolver

Openly Informatics has come up with this very cool Firefox extension. It can call up your OpenURL resolver from any web page (i.e., ciatation coming from somewhere that isn't an sfx source!) as long as the citation follows the LatentOpenURL format, a proposal for this standard is being discussed on the GCS-PCS Listserv.

  • Read about the extension here.

  • Download it here.
    You'll need our SFX address info. It's something like http://sfx.library.jhu.edu:8000/jhu_sfx [I'm sending this posting to Nathan in the hope that he will post a comment with the correct address.]
    Give the link a name you'll recognize (like 'What does this button do?')

  • Try it out here
    This is an open access journal whose references have been re-written as LatentOpenURLs. Here's what you do.

    1. Find an article in this journal
    2. Go to the reference page of that article
    3. Click on any article cited in the references

    All references in this journal have been Latent OpenURL-enabled. So you should see a link below the citation. The link will have the name you gave it -- Like 'What does this button do?'



Anonymous said...

Our SFX link resolver base address, which you need to configure this tool, is:


Woodson said...

Well, it appears that our resolver doesn't handle OpenURL 1.0 -- I got it to work by hand editing the URL from the button but I don't recommend that as an overall approach.

Maybe when SFX goes to ver 3 it will support the more recent version of OpenURL.

In the meantime, if you are as stubborn as I am and want to see it for yourself, Hand edit the address yourself, see the instructions near the bottom of this page -- http://www.openly.com/openurlref/latent.html