Thursday, July 28, 2005

OpenURL & Metasearch NISO Workshop in DC

Maybe you already know about this, but if not, thought it might be of interest to some:

OpenURL and Metasearch:

New Standards, Current Innovations, and Future Directions A NISO
educational workshop to be held:

September 19-21, 2005, Washington DC

Don't miss this opportunity to get the latest information on OpenURL and
Metasearch, two standards supporting technologies that continue to
transform the information landscape. The three-day program includes a
training day for technical staff from all types of content providers
(publishers, vendors, and libraries). Training will cover the basics of
implementation, available tools, and requirements for standards
conformance. In this highly networked world, the key to success is
"learning to play well with others" -- the training day will tell you

In addition: The program includes opportunities for dialog with experts
and informal networking during breaks, meals, and a special conference
reception. Sponsoring vendors will highlight the features of their
products in Vendor Showcases and in Exhibits. The workshops will be held
at the spacious state-of-the-art conference facility at the Academy for
Educational Development near DuPont Circle in Washington, D.C.
Visit the NISO website for details on the agenda, speakers, exhibitor
and sponsorship opportunities, and to register: Or, contact
NISO Headquarters for further information: T: 301-654-2512.

1 comment:

Woodson said...

Susan, Thanks. I hadn't seen this. I'll be going.