Monday, October 03, 2005

Fluwiki: Wisdom of the Crowd VS Science?

Check out David Mattison's blog for a discussion of the Fluwiki. Call me crazy but I don't think public health is one of those areas where everyone has an equally good chance of getting it right.

Someone writes in something wrong, I look at the site, it's corrected a few minutes later...I still got wrong info and more importantly, I don't know I have wrong info.


Susan Payne said...

This has something to do with a culture of fear don't you think?

First the flu coverage in Business Week and now the huge story in the recent issue of National Geographic warning of a pandemic that will kill 180-300 million people...

According the National Geographic article, the US has only ordered 2 million doses of Tamiflu, while France has ordered enough for 25% of the population. I wonder who will get those 2 million doses if they are ever needed?

The President, congress, the richest, about the poor? The middle class? Hmmm...

I'm almost tempted to move to France.

Maureen Beck said...

Only Texans, I think, will be be able to get the vaccine. Sue, you may need to repatriate!