Monday, January 24, 2005

Emerging Technologies Interest Group -- notes from ALA Mid-Winter 2005

CHAIR: Rose Nelson

REPORTER: Rose Nelson


MEETING: ig_business_meeting


CURRENT ACTIVITIES: ETIG will be sponsoring a program on Institutional
Repositories for ALA in Chicago. The program will focus on policy issues
and best practices for implementing an institutional repository.
We will also be cosponsoring with Open Source Systems I.G. a preconference
and general session on Shibboleth and Internet2 for the upcoming ALA in

Recap of the Top Tech Trends

  • Storage space-it's becoming cheaper and smaller. How do libraries respond
    to patron's need to create better use of their external storage, whether it
    be an Ipod or flash drive?
  • frbr-functional requirements for biblographic records in OPAC.
  • Blogs and other bubble up technologies such as RSS. What are the
    implications for libraries? How are libraries making use of these
  • Portability of data-with the proliferation of handheld devices, how do we
    design interfaces to our library information databases that will work with
    all types of devices?
  • Digital Rights Management-sharing playlists? How does this affect content
    creation or dissemination?
  • Delicious Library-people creating their own libraries. How do we manage
    the rights on this?
  • Blogs seen as light weight content management systems. An example of this
    is the New York Historical Society creating staff blogs.

FUTURE ACTIVITIES: sponsor a program on Google Print and Google Scholar for
Annual 2005 in Chicago; begin a concerted effort to build a robust online
community through forums that debate and promote emerging technologies;
begin development of a program on the creation, impact and uses of blogs in

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