Thursday, January 27, 2005

Google spawn

"Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." from the Google Print Page

We keep being told that users want Google. One box. They don't want to have to decide where to go to find stuff. That makes sense. But Google has more and more special search areas.

So some separate search areas are ok. But how many?

Or maybe the thing you do is start people out with the single box; once they've mastered that, then you move them on to other options.

MORE: 1/27 Elliot points out that Sherlock already does something like this using channels. It's an interesting point. I hadn't thought of it because I don't use Sherlock. It looks as if Sherlock seems to differs from Google in a couple of ways: 1. it searches other question answering services like Ask Jeeves & 2. it is a piece of software you have to have on your computer rather than being a web-based service. So that goes to a later entry on this page, viz Desktop Search engines.

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