Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Latent OpenURLs--embedding OpenURLs in HTML

OK, I want to put a link to a journal article in my blog. But what link do I use? If I get the article from IngentaConnect, someone else reading my blog might get it through an I&A database like Academic Search Premier. How do I put in the citation and let the reader pick which version.

If the reader has access to an openURL resolver then this Latent OpenURL idea comes to the rescue. To oversimplify, the link in html is an anchor that includes the openURL for the article but the OpenURL is preceeded by text that tells the viewing application to get specific information about the resolver that the reader has access to.

Eric Hellman of Openly Informatics has a page that sumarizes where the work stands now. There is a discussion of its development in the archives of the GCS-PCS list.*

*GCS-PCS is a list that was pulled together during a common interest session at the 2004 fall DLF in Baltimore. The acronym stands for "Gather, Create, Share" and Personal Collection Systems"

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