Monday, July 18, 2005

I can see clearly now, the rain has gone

Go look at :
    Parker, Kimberly.
    Dollar, Daniel.
  • E-Terminology: Why Do I Need to Know What You Mean?
It's in Portal and is of use to both public and technical services folks.

This is great article proposing some definitions that can help us clarify and unifiy the language we use when we talk about electronic journals, databases, etc. The authors begin with a couple of all too familiar conversations about whether we do or don't subscribe to a journal.

In some ways it's just common sense. But they've actually nailed down those illusive beasts like Ingenta and Highwire. They coined the category: 'E-Printers.'

This is why we love Kim Parker--she can articluate common sense in an uncommon way.

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